Calculator Reseller Program
Make Money & Impress Your Clients!
If your company is a web design firm and you would like to sell our calculators to your clients at your own mark-up and with your own copywrite instead of ours, we have developed the following Calculator Reseller Program just for you.
1) Reseller License Number
Once you have been accepted as a reseller of Web Winder Calculators you will be assigned a Reseller License Number which will allow you to copy the source code from any calculator in our calculator store, and install it either on your website for promotional purposes, or on a clients' development site for client approval prior to purchase.
As long as your Reseller License Number is commented into the source code, you will have our permission to remove all references to our company and our website. In other words, you will be able to charge your clients whatever you want without fear that they will visit our site to see how inexpensive they could have bought the calculators for themselves.
2) Access to Our Cool Design Tool
When you sell one or more calculators to a customer, you simply add the calculators to your shopping cart on the Web Winder Calculator website. Then, when you check out, simply add the new website to your list. This will generate unique license numbers for each calculator license purchased on behalf of your clients. Then simply check out as usual.
Once the licenses are purchased you can use our Cool Design Tool to match the look and feel of your clients' sites, and we will store the designs for you should your clients purchase additional calculators from you in the future. Plus, if your client's site design changes, you can use our Cool Design Tool to change the design of all of your client's calculators at one time. Just think of the time that will save you!
3) Reseller Discount Pricing
Our calculator shopping cart will keep track of the total number of calculator licenses you have purchased to-date, and because you are a reseller, will give you the bulk discounts based on a cumulative basis, rather than on each individual purchase. In other words, once you have resold 20 calculator licenses your price will be just $15 per license for all licenses purchased after that. Prior to reaching the 20-licenses-sold mark, your prices will be based on the cumulative license purchases listed below:
Commercial-Use Licensing Fee Schedule | Prices listed are per ready-made JavaScript calculator, per company website, quoted in $US funds. | Number of Calculator Licenses | One-Time Commercial License Fee | 1 - 3 | $15 each | 4 - 7 | $13 each | 8 - 11 | $11 each | 12 - 15 | $9 each | 16 - 19 | $7 each | 20 or more | $5 each |
4) You Will Appear as the Author
As a reseller, once you have purchased licenses on behalf of your clients you will be free to replace our copywrite notice with your own, so long as the shopping-cart-generated license number remains commented into the code. This number will allow us to identify the reseller should we ever come across the calculator on your clients' site and notice that our copywrite has been removed.
5) Let Your Clients Try Before They Buy
As a reseller you will also be permitted to copy the calculator scripts directly from the store html pages for the purpose of getting customer approval during the site development process. That way you won't have to purchase the licenses until the calculators have met with your clients' approval. And again, you can remove all references to webwinder.com, so long as the reseller license number is commented into the code.
6) Discounted Custom-Scripting
What happens if one of your clients asks for a calculator that's not in our calculator store? Well, that depends on how specialized the calculator request is.
- Suitable for licensing: If we feel that the requested calculator will be suitable for licensing to other clients (valuable to a wide audience), we will simply create the calculator and add it to our calculator store where you can license it at your discounted reseller rates.
- Not Suitable for Licensing: If we feel that the requested calculator is not suitable for licensing to our other clients (too specialized to be of value to a wide audience), we will give you a quote for creating the custom calculator. Once you have purchased a total of 20 calculator licenses you will get our Disounted Custom Scripting Rate of just $20 an hour. That's a $15-per-hour savings off of our regular hourly scripting rate!
How to Become a Calculator Reseller
In order to qualify for our reseller program, all you need is an existing website that promotes your web design firm.
The next step, if you haven't done so already, is to become a registered user of the webwinder.com website.
Once you've registered, simply send us an email indicating you'd like to be a reseller of our calculators.
If you're approved we will send you your Reseller License Number and upgrade your account to reseller status.
Become a Reseller Today and Win!
Well, that about covers it. Just think, you will generate an expanded profit on the reselling of our work without fearing your clients will discover our low prices, and impress your clients with "your" awsome calculators, and we will save time and money in trying to market our calculators to individual site owners. It truly is a Win-Win program!
Become a Registered User Now >>>
Why Our Calcs?
Reason #11
Since our calculators don't reside on a web server, there is no need to install a special programming language on your web server in order to install our calculators on your website.11 more reasons
Fast & Easy!
Adding our calculators to your website is as easy as ....
Browse through Calculators & add desired calculators to your shopping cart.
Check out.
Customize the calculator user-interface to suit your website using our Cool Design Tool.
Copy & paste each calculator into your web pages.