Why Choose Our Calculators? |
1. No Programming Required
If you can copy and paste, you can install our calculators.
2. Fully Customizable
Unlike other companies selling or renting the use of server-side, pre-designed calculators, our calculator user-interfaces are fully customizable.
3. No Increase in Server Load
Unlike server-side calculators that require a process to run on the server each time a re-calculation is made, our calculators operate in the user's web browser.
4. One-Time Fee
Unlike some other calculator companies that rent their calculators on an annual basis, you can purchase our calculators for a low, one-time licensing fee.
5. User Friendly
Unlike server-side calculators that force your user to click the back button each time they want to recalculate, our calculators can be recalculated without having to load another page.
6. Stable
Unlike Java calculators that are continually causing older web browsers to crash, our calculators not only work with older browsers, but if there is a problem the browser merely reports an error -- rather than crashing the browser.
7. Calculator Coop
Unlike other calculator companies, if a custom calculator is desired, and we deem we can re-license the calculator to other sites, you will only be charged the normal licensing fee -- not thousands of dollars in hourly programming fees.
8. Keep Your Visitors
Other calculator companies include links to their websites on the user-interface of the installed calculators -- which may cause you lose your visitor. With Web Winder Calculators, the copyright information is located behind the scenes, with no link to our website.
9. Secure
Since our calculators operate solely on your visitors' computers, you can be sure that private information about your visitor is not being collected by any third parties.
10. Site Redesign? No Problem!
If, after licensing and installing our calculators, you later redesign your site, you can simply revisit our Cool Design Tool and redesign all of your calculators all at once.
11. Cross-Platform
Since our calculators don't reside on a web server, there is no need to install a special programming language on your web server in order to install our calculators on your website.
12. One Bite At a Time
Unlike other calculator companies that require you to buy/rent a large suite of expensive calculators, you can license our inexpensive calculators in any quantity you choose -- as often as you choose.
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Why Our Calcs?
Reason #11
Since our calculators don't reside on a web server, there is no need to install a special programming language on your web server in order to install our calculators on your website.11 more reasons
Fast & Easy!
Adding our calculators to your website is as easy as ....
Browse through Calculators & add desired calculators to your shopping cart.
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Customize the calculator user-interface to suit your website using our Cool Design Tool.
Copy & paste each calculator into your web pages.