Trial Installation |
If you are using some form of "do-it-yourself" web page publishing or site-builder software, we strongly suggest that you attempt to install the little game on this page before purchasing any of our commercial calculators. Lately we've been running into instances where certain brands of "do-it-yourself" site-building software ends up corrupting the calculator code during the installation process. Below you will find a working copy of a little "Tic-Tac-Toe" game, followed by the instructions for installing it on your website. These instructions are typical of those provided for installing our commercial calculators. If you are unable to get this game installed and working properly (error free) on your website using the instructions below the game, the other possible option would be to create your own, separate html calculator page, upload it to your web space, and link to it from your existing pages. If you can't get the calculator installed with the instructions on this page, you probably won't have any luck installing our commercial calculators either -- in which case you should not purchase them. Instead, we suggest you contact your software's tech support, give them the URL to this page, and ask them why this otherwise simple task is not possible using their software.
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Why Our Calcs?
Reason #1
No Programming Required
If you can copy and paste, you can install our calculators.11 more reasons
Fast & Easy!
Adding our calculators to your website is as easy as ....
Browse through Calculators & add desired calculators to your shopping cart.
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Customize the calculator user-interface to suit your website using our Cool Design Tool.
Copy & paste each calculator into your web pages.