Terms of Use: You may install this Lifetime Savings Calculator on your site for free, so long as my copyright info remains embedded in the code and the link back to my website is visible on the page you install the calculator on. You will find a link to the installation page located just beneath the calculator on this page.
If you would like to purchase a license for the latest commercial grade (professional) version of this calculator, please visit our Commercial Calculator Center.
If you would simply like to use an upgraded version of this calculator for your own personal use, I invite you to try our ever-growing collection of consumer-oriented calculators on our free online calculator use website for consumer decision making, discovery, and learning.
Below are the instructions for installing the Lifetime Savings Calculator on your website:
Step #1:
Select and copy the script from the following text box, then paste between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of the page you are installing the calculator on.
Step #2:
Select and copy the following HTML form code, then paste in the desired location between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags of the page you are installing the calculator on.
<td COLSPAN="2">
<font face='arial'><small>This calculator will show you how much you'll
save over the course of your lifetime when permanently switching from any given high
priced buying habit (name brand) to its functional, less expensive equivalent (generic).
Plus, it will also show you how much interest you could earn if you were to invest all or
part of those savings as you realized them. As you're about to see, "a penny
saved" can REALLY ADD UP!</small></font>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter your current age:</small></font></td>
<td ALIGN="LEFT"><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="nowAge" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the age you plan on retiring at:</small></font></td>
<td ALIGN="LEFT"><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="retireAge" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the age you expect to live until:</small></font></td>
<td ALIGN="LEFT"><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="dieAge" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the price you are currently paying for a higher priced name-brand product or
<td ALIGN="LEFT"><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="nameBrand" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the price of a lower-priced functional equivalent (generic):</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="generic" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the number times you purchase this item per month:</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="buyTimes" SIZE="15"></td>
<td align="center" COLSPAN="2"><input TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute Savings" onClick="calcSave(this.form)"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear" onClick="clearSave(this.form)"></td>
<td COLSPAN="2"><font face='arial'><small>Savings Per...</small></font><br>
<font face='arial'><small>Purchase:</small></font><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="eachSave" SIZE="9"> <font face='arial'><small>Month:</small></font><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="moSave" SIZE="9"> <font face='arial'><small>Year:</small></font><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="annSave" SIZE="9"><BR>
<font face='arial'><small>Retire:</small></font><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="retireSave" SIZE="12"> <font face='arial'><small>Lifetime:</small></font><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="lifeSave" SIZE="12"> </td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the average annual interest rate you might expect to earn if you were to
deposit these savings into an investment as they were realized:</small></font> </td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="intRate" SIZE="15"> </td>
<td align="center" COLSPAN="2"><input TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute Future Value of Invested Savings" onClick="calcInvest(this.form)"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear" onClick="clearInvest(this.form)"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>This is how much your investment will be worth at retirement age:</small></font> </td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="retireInvest" SIZE="15"> </td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>This is how much you would be able to withdraw from your investment during each
month of your expected retirement:</small></font> </td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="moIncome" SIZE="15"> </td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>This is the total future value of your invested savings between now and your life
expectancy:</small></font> </td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="dieInvest" SIZE="15"> </td>
<td COLSPAN="2"><div align="center"><center><p><textarea COLS="65" ROWS="3" name="summary" wrap="virtual"></textarea></td>
Step #3:
Edit the form HTML to match the look and feel of your site, then save and upload the page to your server and you're done!
**Please note that we do not provide support or installation help for the free versions of our calculators. We do provide support and installation help for our professional versions.