Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1
This calculator, one of the Mortgage Calculators in the Personal Finance Calculators section, is designed to help answer the question, "How much will my monthly mortgage payment be?"
If you would like to install the Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1 on your website you have one of two options:
Option #1: You can install the calculator for free (see terms and conditions listed beneath the calculator).
Option #2: You can pay a small, one-time, commercial-use fee (see benefits listed beneath the calculator).
Either option will help you to attract new visitors to your website, as well as give your repeat visitors yet another reason to return more often.
Free Installation Terms
Benefits of a Commercial Use License
If you would like to install the Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1 on your site for free, please observe the following terms and conditions:
- Free installations do not come with and free installation help or support.
- The copyright and link to my site that appear at the end of the calculator must remain working and visible.
- The copyright must remain commented into the javascript code.
- The design and layout of the calculator must remain as is.
If you agree to abide by the above terms you are free to install a copy of this calculator on your website.
If you purchase a one-time commercial-use license for the Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1 (for as little as $5) you will gain the following benefits:
- Free installation help and support.
- Design one template that will be built into all calculators you license.
- No need to include a link to my site.
- Free access to future upgrades with your design already built-in.
To purchase a commercial-use license for the Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1 simply create a shopping cart and then visit the Online Calculator Store where you can add calculators to your shopping cart as you browse through the store. The calculator that is on this page can be found in the Personal Finance Calculators section, under the
title, "Mortgage Payment Calculator w/Amortization V1.1" (Product ID #107).
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